HEI Teaching and Learning National Seminar Series

Webinar – Enhancing teaching and learning of physical activity in Irish medical curricula
The next event in the HEI Teaching and Learning National Seminar Series takes place on Wed 25th focusing on enhancing teaching and learning of physical activity in the Irish medical curricula.
Registration is free and via this link https://us02web.zoom.us/webinar/register/WN_YhvkxzLqQR-BL985Ir7kHw
Learning Objectives
- To enable those attending to understand the national picture for teaching and learning in this area, by describing existing physical activity teaching and assessment in medical curricula in Ireland
- To promote sharing of experiences between staff, students and recent graduates, and identify examples of best practice and innovation in physical activity leadership, teaching and assessment methods
- To enable discussion to explore ways of delivering physical activity teaching in medical curricula and to develop approaches for enhancing teaching and learning relating to physical activity in medical programmes in Ireland
- To identify needs and opportunities for professional development of staff, and to develop interdisciplinary, intra-institutional, and cross-sector collaborations to support teaching and learning in this area