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Two Upcoming Webinars on Global Estimates of Physical Inactivity

Date: Tuesday, 2 July 2024 – Wednesday, 3 July 2024 WHO is pleased to announce the launch of new global comparable estimates of the prevalence of physical inactivity. These will be published in the Lancet Global Health, providing data globally, by 9 country groupings, country, age and sex. The results also include trends from 2000-2022 and,…
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Successful HRB Applied Partnership Award for I-PARC and Active Cities Research Project

A total of €238,860 in funding has been awarded to the I-PARC team to continue with a new phase of research between 2024 and 2026. Details of the award are as follows: Host institution: University of Limerick Lead Researcher: Professor Catherine Woods Lead Knowledge User: Dr Fiona Mansergh (Department of Health) Award total: €238,860 (including…
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Upcoming PAfH Webinar

The Physical Activity for Health Centre are delighted to host a webinar on April 16th at 12:30pm. Professor Catherine Woods, University of Limerick will present an overview of the IMPAQT Project and Dr. Andrea Ramirez from UT Health Science Centre at Houston will give a presentation on the GOPA! Surveys. The event can be attended…
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Webinar Invitation- Every Move Counts: National Physical Activity and Sedentary Behaviour Guidelines for Ireland

The HSE and Department of Health have published new National Physical Activity and Sedentary Behaviour guidelines for Ireland. The new guidelines provide evidence based recommendations for everyone on the amount and types of physical activity to gain health benefits, as well as recommendations for reducing sedentary behaviour. This will be of interest to professionals and…
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Promoting physical activity for older people: a toolkit for action

The world Health Organization has recently released a document titled ” Promoting physical activity for older people: a toolkit for action”. This toolkit is one of a series to help countries develop and implement policy actions to effectively increase the proportion of people participating in physical activity. It is underpinned by the Global Action Plan on…
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Assessing the implementation of physical activity-promoting public policies in the Republic of Ireland using the Physical Activity Environment Policy Index (PA-EPI)

In this featured blog, PhD Student Kevin Volf provides an overview of a recently published study, of which he is lead author, which is the first to apply the Physical Activity Environment Policy Index (PA-EPI) monitoring framework to assess the extent of implementation of government policies and actions: If you’re reading this you probably agree…
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Shining light on interdisciplinary walking promotion partnerships using social network analysis

Get Ireland Walking, in collaboration with a research team from South East Technological University, set out to investigate how useful systems approaches can be to Get Ireland Walking’s national and local walking promotion work in Ireland. This blog outlines one research study conducted by Dylan Power, Dr Barry Lambe, and Prof Niamh Murphy which investigates…
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ICDAM 2023, University of Limerick, 26th-29th June

The University of Limerick are looking forward to hosting this year’s ICDAM conference which will be held over a 4-day period from June 26th to 29th. The theme of the conference is ‘Physical Activity and Dietary Assessment Across the Lifespan’ and includes a 3-day scientific programme with keynote speakers across dietary and physical activity assessment.…
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Health-Enhancing Physical Activity & Healthy Lifestyle for All Course

This course, offered by the International Sport and Culture Association (ISCA) will equip participants with the knowledge and confidence to contribute to reversing the growing prevalence of unhealthy lifestyles in our societies and help people thrive more in their everyday lives. By completing the online course, participants will discover evidence-based approaches, tools and expert tips…
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Ireland’s Active School Flag featured in ISPAH Community of Practice Hub

Whole-of-school physical activity initiatives have been identified by the International Society for Physical Activity and Health (ISPAH) as one of the eight investments that work for physical activity. However, research shows that they can be challenging to design and to implement, particularly at scale. Ireland’s Active School Flag (ASF) programme is a whole-of-school physical activity initiative…
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