ICDAM 2023, University of Limerick, 26th-29th June

The University of Limerick are looking forward to hosting this year’s ICDAM conference which will be held over a 4-day period from June 26th to 29th. The theme of the conference is ‘Physical Activity and Dietary Assessment Across the Lifespan’ and includes a 3-day scientific programme with keynote speakers across dietary and physical activity assessment. The organising committee, led by Prof Alan Donnelly (PAfH Research Centre Core Member & Director of the Health Research Institute), are busy finalising last minute preparations for what promises to be an excellent event with some excellent keynote speakers lined up (see below).
Further information on conference programme and registration available at https://www.icdamportal.org/
Keynote speakers
Professor Genevieve Healy
Measuring Sedentary Behaviour Across the Lifespan
Professor Genevieve Healy is a global leader in sedentary behaviour in adults. Her research focuses on understanding how much we sit and how this influences our health and wellbeing, as well as the feasibility and acceptability of reducing this behaviour in key settings and populations, with a particular focus on desk based workers. Her work has influenced policy and guidelines regarding the importance of reducing prolonged sitting time, and she works with multiple industry and partner organisations to translate her research into practice.
Link to website/lab: https://researchers.uq.edu.au/researcher/757
Laureate Professor Clare Collins
University of Newcastle, Australia
Challenges and Opportunities in Assessing Diet Across the Lifespan; Pot of gold or Pandora’s Box?
Click here for Laureate Professor Collins’ Abstract
Professor Collins is the most successful research dietitian in Australia, she has been awarded over $21 million dollars in research grants. Her innovative and world leading research creates new technologies to evaluate nutrition and dietary intake, and how improving nutrition, diet quality, food patterns can facilitate improved weight and health across all ages and stages of life and for those with chronic health conditions.
Professor Ulf Ekelund
Norwegian School of Sport Sciences, Oslo Norway
Dose-response associations between physical activity and risk for mortality – lessons learned from self-reported and device-measured physical activity
Click here for Professor Ekelund‘s abstract
Professor Ekelund is a world leading expert in measurement and population levels of physical activity and understanding the biological basis for physical activity and sedentary behaviour with a special focus on young people.
Web page: https://www.nih.no/en/about/employees/ulf-ekelund/