Programme for the I-PARC session at the HEPA Europe and I-PARC conference (19–21 August 2024, Dublin)

Programme for the I-PARC session at the HEPA Europe and I-PARC conference (19–21 August 2024, Dublin)

As part of the19th annual meeting and 15th conference of HEPA Europe on 19–21 August in Dublin, I-PARC will deliver a session titled “Multiple agendas, one common goal: Cross-sectoral collaboration for HEPA promotion”. The session will feature internationally and nationally renowned speakers across policy, research and practice and include panel discussions, interactive activities and networking opportunities.

Theme: Multiple agendas, one common goal: Cross-sectoral collaboration for HEPA promotion

Purpose: To maximise how individuals and organisations with a shared common concern –low population levels of physical activity – can effectively build and sustain a coalition/collaboration.  This would involve engaging diverse areas –health, transport, urban design, sport, education, rural communities, justice, environment etc. – ensuring equity and diversity in how to address the problem, its interpretation both socio-politically, publicly and engagement of external actors not traditionally engaged with the physical activity agenda.  Discussion of credible indicators of progress in this area.

Date: 21st August 2024, 2-5pm.

Time Topic Speaker
1.30-2pm Registration

(10 mins)

Opening Address:

–          Ministerial Address

–          Introduction from I-PARC Co-Chairs




Mr Colm Burke, T.D.

Minister of State with special responsibility for Public Health, Wellbeing and the National Drugs Strategy



(20 mins)

5 mins Q&A

Approaches to promoting inclusion in PA

–          High-level outcomes from HEPA Conference


–          Ireland’s Physical Activity strategies



WHO Europe


Mr. Colin O’Hehir, Department of Health.





(2×15 mins +5 Q&A)

(35 mins)


Technical Speakers:

1.      Systems approaches



Prof. Adrian Bauman,

University of Sydney, Australia

2.      Policy tools and actions



Prof. Catherine Woods

University of Limerick, Ireland



(45 minutes)

Panel Discussion:


1.      Can you give us an example of a cross-sector collaboration that you think worked well and why? How could these lessons be applied to the promotion of health enhancing PA



2.      How can we effectively broaden cross-sectoral collaboration, by engaging those beyond the traditional partners and/or obtaining additional financial resources?




·         Representatives from Irish sectors currently engaging with PA, advocating for embedding formally within their area, and for coordinated multi-sector action.

o   Robert Cazaciuc, Dept of Transport

o   Dr. Lorraine D’Arcy (TU Dublin)

o   Carmel O’Callaghan, Active Cities Officer, Dublin City Council


·         EU countries on their successful Intersectoral collaborations.

o   Paivi Aalto-Nevalainen (Finland Focal Point

o   Wanda Wendle Vos: Netherlands Focal Point






Understanding Scale using the Lego model of physical activity in Ireland



Interactive session (mixed group, round table discussion)

1.      A reflective discussion on the presentations given and panel discussion.


One thing I have learned…


One thing I will action…


One thing I want to find out more about….


Mr Benny Cullen, Sport Ireland




Mixed groups comprising all delegates.


Outcomes to be presented by table hosts




4.45-5pm Closing of the Conference


Closing address: Northern Ireland

Discussion on outcomes by I-PARC Co-Chairs


5pm Reception and networking opportunity




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