Month: October 2022

I-PARC Conference 2023 – Save the Date

We are delighted to announce the 2023 I-PARC Conference “Getting more people active: Building bridges and pushing boundaries”. Excited to be returning to a face-to-face event which will take place in University College Dublin from 18-19th Jan’23. Attendees can expect: Prominent national & international speakers, Cross-cutting themes, Daily networking opportunities, and a Satellite workshop on…
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Research Officer – Welsh Institute of Physical Activity, Health and Sport (WIPAHS).

Research officer post available (currently 2 years but funding agreed on an ongoing basis, subject to annual reviews) to work for the Welsh Institute of Physical Activity, Health and Sport (WIPAHS). The Welsh Institute of Physical Activity, Health and Sport (WIPAHS) was created in 2019 to increase the research capacity of Sport Wales in collaboration…
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I-PARC symposium on children and adolescents in physical activity and sport

On the 6th of October, at the Spencer Hotel (the Docklands, Dublin), the Irish Physical Activity Research Collaboration (I-PARC, held an expert symposium on ‘Children and Adolescents in Physical Activity and Sport’. The event brought together a broad audience of researchers, policy makers, and practitioners and featured prominent national and international speakers organised in…
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