Month: December 2021

I-PARC Conference 2022 Registration “Leveraging policy, programs, and research for a more active society in the wake of COVID-19”

I-PARC Conference 2022 “Leveraging policy, programs, and research for a more active society in the wake of COVID-19” Members of I-PARC are hosting a virtual conference titled “Leveraging policy, programs, and research for a more active society in the wake of COVID-19”. The event will run from Tuesday 25th to Friday 28th January 2022 with…
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2021 Irish Sports Monitor Interim Report Q3 shows participation in sport now nearing pre-pandemic levels

Sport Ireland today published the 2021 Irish Sport Monitor Interim Report Q3, which covers the months July-September this year and shows that participation in sport continued to rise throughout the year with numbers approaching pre-pandemic levels. In the third quarter of the year 43% of Irish people over the age of 16 years old took…
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Featured Blog – “Barriers and facilitators to implementing community-based physical activity interventions: a qualitative systematic review”

A qualitative systematic review from I-PARC was published in the International Journal for Behavioural Nutrition and Physical Activity in September 2021. The aim of the review was to report on facilitators and barriers of implementation for interventions which promote physical activity in community-based settings. A secondary aim was to provide recommendations to improve implementation identified…
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Webinar – “Researching the Health and Economic Value of Sport in Ireland”

Great line-up of speakers for upcoming Exercise is Medicine Ireland and Physical Activity for Health, HRI Research Cluster, University of Limerick webinar, December 10th at 12pm. Registration link:  

Sport Ireland publishes Research Strategy 2021-2027

Sport Ireland Media Release December 7, 2021 Sport Ireland publishes Research Strategy 2021-2027 Sport Ireland today published its Research Strategy 2021-2027 which sets out the role of research in supporting Sport Ireland to achieve its organisational objective of delivering a world-class sports sector operating to the highest standards of governance and accountability and contributing towards…
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