#BeActive and Flatten the Curve

The past month has seen us change the way we study, the way we work and even the way we live. Times will be challenging for everyone, but we encourage people to be physically active within the current guidelines regarding social distancing. Our project partners, Sport Ireland, worded it nicely and stated “#BeActive and Flatten the Curve“.
As we know, participation in physical activity can have physical and mental health benefits. In order to support people with being physically active, we have decided to sign post people to a number of resources that may be useful.
1. Where to start
The World Health Organisation published “Be Active during COVID-19” which answers a lot of FAQs around being active while in isolation or practicing social distancing. You can access this information by clicking here.
2. Know your 2km radius for being physically active.
We were all advised that “any non-essential movement beyond your home is limited to a 2km radius for exercise”.
A useful website has been created to easily show you where the 2km radius is from where you live. You can access this by clicking here.
3. Your Local Sports Partnership
Over the past week a number of the local sports partnerships have started uploading extremely useful resources around all types of physical activity for all ages. These include areas such as:
- Children’s activities
- Home workout videos
- Gentle exercises
- Sport specific activities
- Yoga sessions
- Minding your mental health
We encourage you all to look on your local sport partnership’s social media or website to find more information. Some examples can be found on
- Active Limerick Hub through Limerick Sports Partnership
- Keeping Active & Well at Home through Waterford Sports Partnership
- Schedule of Online Classes and Activities through Roscommon Sports Partnership
- Online Classes through Dublin City Sport & Wellbeing Partnership
4. P.E and Online Workouts with Joe Wicks
We are sure plenty of you are aware of Joe Wicks or The Body Coach, but he provides regular video workouts for a range of abilities. These home based activities include ares such as:
- No Equipment Home Workouts
- P.E Classes for children & youngsters (and adults!)
- 10 minute home workout for older adults
- 10 minute chair based workouts (useful for those working from home)
A library of these videos can be found on YouTube by clicking here
5. Age and Opportunity Movement Minutes
Age & Opportunity are broadcasting three live 15-minute physical activity sessions online each week that older people can join in with – ‘Age & Opportunity Movement Minutes’.
Join them on their Facebook page for ‘Age & Opportunity Movement Minutes’ every:
- Monday @ 11am: Seated Physical Activity Session for Older People
- Wednesday @ 11am: Standing Physical Activity Session for Older People
- Friday @ 11am: Seated and Standing Physical Activity Session for Older People
The sessions can be watched back afterwards on the Age and Opportunity YouTube page by clicking here.
They also have offline resources such as information and exercise sheets on posture, strength and balance as well as physical activity DVDs. Just call 01-8057755 or email gfl@ageandopportunity.ie and they will post them out to you for free!
6. Drill of the day
Drill of the Day has seen Orlagh Farmer (Cork LGFA player and UCC PhD student) post regular activity videos related to Gaelic Football. These short videos include a range of fun activities which focus on:
- Monday Funday
- Target Tuesday
- Workout Wednesday
- Fitness Friday
You can find previous and future video’s on the Ladies Gaelic Football YouTube channel by clicking here or from Orlagh’s Twitter by clicking here.
7. Siel Bleu Ireland
Siel Bleu Ireland are bringing live “Life enhancing exercises for older adults and patient groups” at 11am and 2pm each day. This includes activities such as:
- Chair Aerobics for older adults
- Exercise, COPD & Me
- Chair Gym for older adults
- Strength and Balance for older adults
You can keep up to date on the Siel Bleu Ireland Twitter and Facebook accounts.
Alternatively, past exercise videos are available on the Siel Bleu Ireland YouTube channel by clicking here.
8. ExWell Medical
ExWell Medical is a not-for-profit company that offers exercise programmes to people with many different long term illnesses. They have teamed up with RTE to bring you handy tips every Monday/Wednesday/Friday to keep you active during this time. These short videos cover ares such as:
- How to warm up properly before exercise
- Aerobic Workout using a chair
Keep up to date with these activities on the ExWell Medical Twitter by clicking here.
9. Staying up to date
It is important to stay up to date as social distancing guidelines may change over time. The most up to date advice, information and resources can be found on www.hse.ie and www.health.gov.ie