Integrated Exercise Practitioner – Mental Health(x3 Part-Time roles)

The Exercise Effect provides a prescriptive, professionally led and community-based physical activity interventions for people with mental health difficulties in Co. Wexford. As an employee of Mental Health Ireland the IEP-MH will be coordinated by the local sports partnership in Wexford, Sports Active Wexford, to work specifically with local HSE mental health services in the delivery of a new integrated mental health practitioner role. There are 3 part-time temporary posts for 6 month contracts for 18 hours per week.
• Post A-Wexford Mental Health Service North Sector
• Post B-Wexford Mental Health Service South Sector
• Post C-CAMHS North and South Wexford
The contracts are time limited as per the conditions of the Sláintecare Integration Fund.
To apply, please forward a curriculum vitae and covering letter outlining your suitability for the role.
All applications to be submitted by Monday 16th August at 12 noon noon to Applications received outside this time will not be considered.
Please ensure to include the relevant Job Reference Number in your letter of application.
Informal enquiries to Paula Lowney, Wexford Mental Health Services 087 2754752
Click here for full job description.