The WHO ReINVENT & ReBUILD Webinar Series: All you need to know

Where was this webinar series conceptualised?
COVID-19 has had a huge influence on how, when and where people can be physically active. The pandemic has increased the global awareness on the importance of PA for mental and physical health, yet it has also revealed and accelerated widening inequities. Now is the time to use COVID-19 as a catalyst for change and reinvent a stronger and fairer physical activity and sports system for all.
The conversation started during the ReINVENT & ReBUILD Stronger, Fairer Physical Activity and Sport systems for all a global webinar to mark the UN International day of Sport for Development and Peace on 6 April 2021. This event covered;
- The importance of regular physical activity and sport for health for everyone, all ages and all abilities
- Shared examples of what is being done in different contexts to help people stay active and those who provide the programs, spaces, facilities and support.
- Discussed what is needed to rebuild better for a more resilient equitable and inclusive system meeting the needs of everyone.
Who started the conversation?
The conversation was moderated by Dr Fiona Bull and Dr Temo Waqanivalu who introduced opening speakers from the World Health Organisation (WHO), United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organisation, United Nations Department for Economic and Social Affairs and the International Olympic Committee. There were two panels of speakers i) Actions and solutions and ii) Partnering for the future system we want- stronger fairer and inclusive, who identified six key action we need to focus on:
- Implementation,
- Address inequalities,
- Collaboration,
- More sport, more impact,
- Multi-stakeholder approach,
- Resource mobilisation
What is the commitment?
The WHO committed to continuing the holistic conversation involving all parts of the system through a series of eight webinars featuring panelists from the PA and Sport system. Four interconnected themes will be discussed to identify practical actions needed including innovation, partnerships, use of evidence and accountability and investment. Each webinar contains a Q & A session. Additionally, WHO will produce a Policy report during the summer, summarising the information heard, recommendations, calls for action and issues to be addressed.
For more information and to register for these webinars click on each of the following links:
- Build forward stronger: opportunities for exercise, fitness and health – 27th May
- Ready for change: the future of sport, exercise and fitness- 3rd June – 12pm Irish Standard Time (IST)
- From evidence to policy: Physical activity and COVID-19- 10th June- 2:30pm IST
- Hidden in plain sight: Realising the full potential of civil society – 17th June- 2pm IST
- Innovation as an accelerator: from start up to scale up – 24th June- 10am IST
- Measure what you treasure: strengthening impact and investment in sport and physical activity- 1st July – 1pm IST
- An Active Future: Youth forum to co-create an active generation- 8th July (TBC)
- Active for all: Action through stronger partnership – 9th September (TBC)
To keep up to date with relevant panelists and the upcoming webinars follow @fiona_bull and #ReINVENT & #ReBUILD on twitter