6th Annual All-Ireland Postgraduate Conference in Sport Sciences, Physical Activity and Physical Education

The School of Health and Human Performance at Dublin City University are proud to announce that the 6th Annual All-Ireland Postgraduate Conference in Sport Sciences, Physical Activity and Physical Education will be held on Friday September 9th 2022 on our Glasnevin campus.
This year’s conference again aims to give postgraduate research students the opportunity to present their work to peers and interested academics in a supportive and collaborative environment. There will also be awards on the day for best poster and best oral presentation from the submitted abstracts. Like recent years, the broad themes of Sport Sciences, Physical Activity and Physical Education will be to the fore, but in recognition of the growing expertise in the areas of Athletic Therapy and Training in Ireland, we also welcome contributions under this theme.
We look forward to welcoming delegates undertaking research for a Masters/PhD/DProf relating to the following thematic areas:
- Exercise Science & Sports Performance
- Physical Education & Sport Pedagogy
- Physical Activity & Health
- Athletic Therapy & Training
This conference provides an excellent opportunity for postgraduate students to:
- Enhance and develop their research skills by presenting research in a conference environment
- Present research proposals, preliminary data or research-in-progress
- Network and engage in academic discourse in a supportive, interdisciplinary environment
- Receive constructive feedback on their poster/oral presentation
There will also be awards on the day for best poster and best oral presentation from the submitted abstracts.
Registration: We are pleased to announce that registration has opened for this year’s conference, and can be completed through Eventbrite. Registration is €20 for students, and €40 for all other attendees Eventbrite
Abstract submission: We are also pleased to announce that we are now accepting abstract submissions. To submit an abstract, please read the attached guidance document, and submit your abstract using this form
More information on the conference, including the full programme, will be provided here in the coming weeks.
Key dates
Registration opens: June 1st 2022
Abstract submission deadline: July 8th 2022
Notification of abstract decision: August 5th 2022
Registration deadline: August 26th 2022
Conference: September 9th 2022
If you have any questions or suggestions about the conference, submission of abstracts, etc, please do not hesitate to contact us at aipgconf@dcu.ie