Applications for PAfH’s ‘PA Policy and Intervention Evaluation’ Training Course

Applications are now open for PAfH’s ‘Physical Activity Policy and Intervention Evaluation’ Training Course
Dates: 16th and 17th January 2023
Venue: Physical Education and Sports Science (PESS Building, University of Limerick)
Application process: Submit a max 2 page CV along with 500 word (max.), expression of interest/motivation to attend this course to Liam Kelly@ul ie by December 2nd. Successful candidates will be informed by December 9th
Fee: 160 euro (non UL applicant), Free (UL applicants)
- International speakers:
Prof Michael Pratt (Fulbright Distinguished Chair 2022/2023, Palacky University, Czech Republic)
Dr Peter Gelius (FAU Friedrich Alexander Universität)
The program includes:
Day 1: Intervention Implementation Evaluation
– Intervention design: from theory to practice (logic model, intervention mapping,system approach) – Dr. Enrique Garcia Bengoechea (SI); Dr. James Green (PAfH UL)
– Intervention implementation for Physical Activity: definition and methods – Ass. Prof. Aurélie Van Hoye PAfH UL); Prof Catherine Woods (PAfH UL)
– Examples of PA intervention implementation evaluation in different settings: Active School Flag; Medex implementation; Go Green
– Facilitators and Barriers to community based PA intervention implementation – Dr. Joey Murphy (U of Bristol)
– Public and Patient Involvement in intervention implementation – Dr. Jon Salsberg (U of Limerick)
– Solving your intervention problems from a system perspective – All
– Concluding Remarks – Prof. Catherine Woods (PAfH UL)
Keynote Speech: Michael Pratt (Fulbright Distinguished Chair 2022/2023,Palacky University, Czech Republic)
Day 2: Physical Activity (PA) Policy Implementation Evaluation
– PA policy science: what scope, state of the art and challenges? – Prof. Michael Pratt Keynote (Fulbright Distinguished Chair 2022/2023, Palacky University, Czech Republic)
– PA policy evaluation: why is it important and how to realise it? – Prof. Peter Gelius (FAU)
– Using system’s approach to policy implementation and evaluation – Dr. Joey Murphy (U of Bristol)
– Examples of tools to review policy and implementation: HEPA PAT and PA EPI, EU Monitoring framework – Ass. Prof. Aurélie Van Hoye PAfH UL); Prof Catherine Woods (PAfH UL); Prof. Peter Gelius (FAU)
– Get experience into using the tools to review policy and their implementation (3 rooms; participants choose the tool they would implement) – Ass. Prof. Aurélie Van Hoye (PAfH UL); Prof. Catherine Woods (PAfH UL); Prof. Peter Gelius (FAU) / Dr. Enrique Garcia Bengoechea (Sport Ireland)
– Panel discussion: Research and policy makers collaborations: reflections from policy makers