Author: I-PARC Team

1st I-PARC Symposium 2019 (10th June 2019)

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I-PARC Update – Feedback and Recommendations

A key aspect of I-PARC is to build a collaboration of researchers, practitioners and policy makers to understand how we successfully implement effective interventions that lead to increased physical activity in all sections of the population. We aim for this collaboration to grow in the future but at the moment it includes the core project…
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An update on the project so far

The first meeting of the I-PARC project happened at the 23rd annual congress of the European College of Sport Science in Dublin,  July 2018. This meeting included members of the project team,  research collaborators and acted as a pre-project meeting in order to plan the key aims and objectives of I-PARC, which officially started in…
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Welcome to the Irish Physical Activity Research Collaboration (I-PARC) web page. I-PARC aims to bring together researchers, practitioners and policy makers to establish how best to implement effective interventions for promoting population level physical activity. On this web page you can find all the information about I-PARC including its background, personnel involved, project updates and…
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