CARA Job Opportunity – Health and Wellbeing Coordinator

Cara, through the support of the Health Service Executive (HSE) Health and Wellbeing Department are looking for a full time Health and Wellbeing Coordinator to coordinate the development, delivery, and evaluation of a national education programme for adult day services.
The aim of the programme is to increase the knowledge and understanding of management, staff, and individuals with disabilities on the importance and benefits of being physically active and the opportunities that are available to participate within their local community.
The programme of activity aligns with and support the Adult Disability Day Services – New Directions Policy, the National Physical Activity Plan, and the Healthy Ireland Framework.
As the Health and Wellbeing Coordinator for Cara, you will be responsible for the planning and coordination of our work specific to enhancing physical activity awareness and opportunity across the disability sector. You will take a lead role in the delivery of the National Active Healthy Me Programme while identifying the needs across disability services specific to the supports Cara can offer to enhance increased opportunities for people with disabilities, their families, and carers to lead active and healthy lifestyles.
Cara is actively seeking a highly motivated individual with a passion for health promotion to work within a dynamic team and will play a key role in increasing active lifestyle opportunities for people with disabilities.
Applications to be received no later than 12 noon on Wednesday 1st of March 2023
Download the full Job Description here:
Download the Application Form here: