I-PARC at Walk21 Ireland

The Decade to Change
Walk21, the global walking summit, brings together practitioners, academics, planners, politicians and citizens to celebrate the importance of walking and re-imagine a world that is more liveable and sustainable. We know Walk21 Ireland will be the event to renew all of our energy for walking!
This year’s conference theme, The Decade to Change, has never been more pressing, exploring how supporting and encouraging walking can help deliver Sustainable Development Goal commitments by 2030.
We invite you to join us in-person or online this September to discuss the critical imperatives for walking. We look forward to welcoming your work and ideas as we reach into all corners of the world to gather the experience, expertise and ideas to push the international walking agenda forward.
Since the first Walk21 Conference in London in 2000, the Walk21 International Conference series on Walking and Liveable Communities has promoted the international profile of walking and celebrated the value of walking for our transport, health and climate challenges as well as local liveability, personal wellbeing and social vibrancy.
From London to Sydney, New York to Hong Kong, Bogota and Vancouver, great cities have made their communities better for walking and hosted the conference. This year, Ireland will host the Conference as a national event!
The Walk21 Conference Series is coordinated by Walk21, the global charity leading the walking movement, working around the world through a range of projects, networks and its flagship annual conference.
I-PARC In-person Workshop ‘Introduction to the I-PARC evaluation toolkit to measure the impact of physical activity interventions’, will take place on MON 19 SEPT 2022, while Prof Catherine Woods (I-PARC Co-Chair / University of Limerick) will speak on ‘The Irish Physical Activity Research Collaboration (I-PARC): all-island collaborative action for physical activity promotion and knowledge translation’ on TUES 20 SEPT 2022.
To register and see the full programme go to the Walk 21 Ireland website