I-PARC Symposium on Children and Adolescents in Physical Activity and Sport

We are delighted to announce details of our upcoming I-PARC Symposium entitled “Children and adolescents in physical activity and sport”
Date and time: Thu, 6 October 2022, 09:30 – 16:45 IST
Location: Dublin – Spencer Hotel Excise Walk D01 X4C9 International Financial Services Centre
Please register your interest in attending the upcoming I-PARC Expert symposium on children and adolescents in physical activity and sport, in collaboration with PAfH. As places are limited, we encourage an early registration, a confirmation will be sent no later than 26th September. Please note that expressions of interest do not guarantee a place at the event. We encourage you to check out the I-PARC website (https://i-parc-ie/) for regular updates about the I-PARC symposium and future events, and to become a member.
Register Expression of Interest: https://www.eventbrite.com/e/i-parc-symposium-on-children-and-adolescents-in-physical-activity-and-sport-tickets-414116943927
Preliminary Programme