Introducing the Physical Activity for Health (PAfH) research cluster

This blog introduces the Physical Activity for Health (PAfH) research cluster at the University of Limerick (UL).
The PAfH cluster is funded by the Health Research Institute (HRI) in UL and is fast approaching its 1st birthday (April 2020). The cluster aims to build a national and international hub of excellence in the area of physical activity (PA) and health research by bringing together a multidisciplinary group of physiologists, sports and exercise scientists, physiotherapists, and health, sports and exercise psychologists. The cluster is led by Prof Alan Donnelly, associate professor in exercise physiology, alongside 8 colleagues across departments/disciplines in UL.
The activity of the cluster can be summarised under 3 key areas; 1) Research Excellence and Impact, 2) Collaboration and Networking and 3) Capacity Building and Training.
Aims include:
- Enhancing Research Funding
- Maximising Research Outputs
- The creation a PAfH data and bio-bank
- Optimising existing collaborations with key stakeholders
- Maximising PAfH national and international networks
- Enhancing PAfH training and mentoring for emerging researchers
- Enhancing research student training and supervision
- Developing international hosting and exchange programmes.
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Check out the research cluster leads below. Find more information on each member by clicking their names.
- Prof. Alan Donnelly
- Dr. James Green
- Dr. Brian Carson
- Dr. Roisin Cahalan
- Dr. Bláthín Casey
- Prof. Catherine Woods
- Dr. Matthew Herring
- Prof. Susan Coote
- Dr. Ciaran MacDonncha
- Dr. Tadhg MacIntyre