Walk21 Ireland – the 22nd International Walk21 Conference- 19-23 Sept 2022

The Walk21 Conference series is the leading conference on walking and walkability in the world. From London to Sydney, New York to Hong Kong, Bogota and Vancouver, great cities have made their communities better for walking and hosted the conference.
Technological University Dublin (TU Dublin), in partnership with the Government of Ireland, is proud to host Walk21 Ireland, the 22nd International Walk21 Conference on walking and liveable communities, held in Ireland 19-23 September 2022.
Walk21 Ireland will bring together international experts, planners, politicians, academics, practitioners, advocates, community and youth leaders to share the very best of ideas, brainstorm solutions, and explore the role of walking in achieving the 2030 Agenda.
This year’s Conference Theme – THE DECADE TO CHANGE – Steps to deliver the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development.
Join us at Walk21 Ireland to celebrate the importance of walking, re-imagine a world that is more walkable and liveable, and ensure a cleaner, safer, healthier future for all.
Are you a planner, academic, community/youth leader, built environment or health practitioner, politician, or campaigner working to support more people to walk and make the world more walkable? Showcase your work to the international walking community at #Walk21Ireland. Join together with experts from across the globe to get inspired and share the very best of ideas and initiatives celebrating walking and its role in addressing climate change.
Let’s explore the research needed, the multi-disciplinary expertise to share, the actions to take and the political commitments and investments to make.
Submissions welcome from across disciplines such as transport, engineering, sustainability, health, sport. All presentation formats welcome: discussion, workshops, roundtable, pecha kucha, video/film, posters, walk shops/urban laboratory.
Together, let’s ensure this is the DECADE TO CHANGE – to deliver on the sustainable development goals for a greener, healthier and safer future for all.
Submit a proposal today! www.walk21ireland.com
Key Dates:
- Call for Proposals closes Monday 7 March 2022
- Conference takes place from 19-23 September 2022