Author: I-PARC Team

Poster Presentation: Joint Public Health Annual Conference

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I-PARC Workshop – 28th January 2020

We will try to accommodate all those interested in attending. To register an expression of interest for the event, please click here. I-PARC will be hosting a workshop titled “Systems Based Approach: What is it and why is it relevant to physical activity promotion” on the 28th of January 2020 in the Hilton Kilmainham, Dublin.…
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December Blog – Highlights from the European Week of Sport

In this months featured blog, members of Sport Ireland showcase some of the highlights from the European Week of Sport. European Week of Sport aims to promote sport and physical activity across Europe. The week is for everyone regardless of age, background and fitness level. With a focus on grassroots initiatives the aim is to…
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Healthy Ireland Summary Report 2019

Healthy Ireland launched the 2019 summary report with the findings from the #HISurvey2019 on November 20th. The full report can be downloaded at: The report covers findings across many different elements crucial for a healthy lifestyle, with sleep being introduced as a topic for the first time this year. Other topics being covered include:…
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I-PARC attends the SPARC conference

The event’s theme this year was ‘communicating the message’ – how to ensure that policy, practice and research on physical activity for health are communicated effectively to all sectors of the community. SPARC 2019 saw the largest group of researchers, practitioners and policy makers come together to present and communicate their work regarding all things physical…
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Poster Presentation: SPARC 2019

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Collaboration towards the common goal of “Physical Activity Promotion”

This month’s featured blog post is from Dr. Angela Carlin, a Lecturer in Exercise and Health in the School of Sport at Ulster University. You can see more of Angela’s work and interests by following @AngelaCarlin7 on twitter. The ‘Physical Activity and Health’ research group at Ulster University recently hosted a successful research day, aimed at…
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October Blog – International Walk to School Month

This month’s featured blog post is from Shirley O’Shea, I-PARC Project Team member and Senior Health Promotion Officer for Physical Activity, Health & Wellbeing Division, Health Services Executive    October is ‘International Walk to School Month’, an opportunity for children to join hundreds of thousands of pupils across the globe celebrating the walk to school.…
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I-PARC update – attendance at conferences and workshops

The past two months have seen the I-PARC team travel to a number of conferences and workshops in order to disseminate findings and discuss the next steps of the project   In August, members of the I-PARC team traveled to the University of South Denmark, Odense, Denmark to present at HEPA 2019. In the spirit…
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Oral Presentation: HEPA 2019

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