Category: Job, Research & Professional Development Opportunities

Exercise is Medicine Ireland Webinar Series

“Exercise is Medicine- A Global Health Initiative” The American College of Sports Medicine (ACSM) co-launched Exercise is Medicine® (EIM) in 2007 with the American Medical Association. Ireland is EIM’s 38th national centre around the world and was established by Dr Matthew Herring (Director) and Dr Brian Carson (Co/Deputy Director), of University of Limerick, in 2019.…
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I-PARC Conference 2021

I-PARC 2021 “Collaborative action for physical activity promotion: opportunities presented by COVID-19” Members of I-PARC are hosting a virtual conference titled “Collaborative action for physical activity promotion: opportunities presented by COVID-19”. The event will run from Monday 11th November to Thursday 14th January 2021 with daily keynote speakers and breakout sessions featuring expert speakers and a…
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Event Alert: Physical Activity for Health Research Cluster Autumn/Winter Webinar

An Introduction to Dance for Health: presenting evidence surrounding the physical, mental and emotional and social benefits of participation. The Physical Activity for Health research cluster at the University of Limerick are hosting a webinar which will welcome Emily Jenkins, founder of Move Dance Feel, to present the evidence of Dance for Health. Case studies…
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MSc Opportunity: Sustainable Transport and Mobility

Applications are open for the MSc. in Sustainable Transport and Mobility (start in January 2021) at TU Dublin. Applications close on the 30th of November. Course Details The Master of Science in Transport and Mobility is a multi-disciplinary programme delivered by a team drawn from a range of professional backgrounds across the College of Engineering…
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I-PARC Conference 2021 – Save the Date

We are delighted to announce the 2021 I-PARC Conference “Collaborative action for physical activity promotion: opportunities presented by COVID-19”. This conference will provide 4 lunchtime webinars from the 11th-14th of January 2020 that include:   Keynote speakers Interactive sessions Live Q&A opportunities   The combination of webinars will bring together speakers from various sectors to…
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ISPAH need your help – Advocacy of the GAPPA

Dear I-PARC members, The International Society for Physical Activity and Research (ISPAH) Early Career Network are leading on a project to understand the good practices, challenges and supports needed for advocating the WHO Global Action Plan on Physical Activity 2018-2030 (GAPPA). They are seeking all those across the globe who have a role that influences…
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Event Alert: Physical Activity and the Pandemic : Lessons for older adults and health professionals

Keeping active and well as we grow older is a key challenge for public health. This event, hosted by the Institute of Public Health, will focus on the value of sustaining physical activity as we get older and how to support populations to do so. Speakers from Ireland, the UK, and Australia will share evidence,…
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Introducing the Physical Activity for Health (PAfH) research cluster

This blog introduces the Physical Activity for Health (PAfH) research cluster at the University of Limerick (UL). The PAfH cluster is funded by the Health Research Institute (HRI) in UL and is fast approaching its 1st birthday (April 2020). The cluster aims to build a national and international hub of excellence in the area of…
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I-PARC Workshop – 28th January 2020

We will try to accommodate all those interested in attending. To register an expression of interest for the event, please click here. I-PARC will be hosting a workshop titled “Systems Based Approach: What is it and why is it relevant to physical activity promotion” on the 28th of January 2020 in the Hilton Kilmainham, Dublin.…
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