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Video Presentation: ISBNPA 2020

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How the I-PARC Team are staying active

As we enter what feels a lot longer than Week 6 of lockdown, it can be difficult to find the motivat...
Impact of COVID-19 on our physical activity habits.

Physical activity can be a valuable tool to continue protecting your health during this time. As we ...
Active HOME Week (27 April – 3rd May)

The Active School Flag is awarded to schools that strive to achieve a physically educated and physic...
Physical Activity can be Helpful during the Coronavirus Pandemic

Action is needed to promote the benefits of physical activity during the Coronavirus pandemic. This ...
Online Consultation – Monitoring and Evaluation Template

Are you involved with the support, coordination or delivery of a physical activity intervention. We ...
#BeActive and Flatten the Curve

The past month has seen us change the way we study, the way we work and even the way we live. Times ...
Public consultation on the draft WHO Guidelines on physical activity and sedentary behaviour

The World Health Organisation (WHO) has launched a pubic consultation on its draft physical activity...
Introducing the Physical Activity for Health (PAfH) research cluster

This blog introduces the Physical Activity for Health (PAfH) research cluster at the University of L...
Physical Activity and Women’s Health

Thank you to Dr. Fiona Mansergh (Healthy Ireland, Department of Health) for contributing the followi...
Marchathon 2020

Marchathon is the annual Smarter Travel Workplaces & Campus Walking Challenge that runs in March...
2nd I-PARC Symposium Presentations (30th January 2020)

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